Each year around this time I think back to the day of my college graduation. As a final send-off, after the ceremonies, the school held a luncheon for the graduating class. At this luncheon I happened to be seated next to a well known alumnus of the school. This fellow had graduated in the 1950s and [...]
The most over-compensated profession in the history of the universe
In a recent article for the personal finance website Humble Dollar, I discuss the reasons why I started Mayport and why I am so excited about the potential to save money for consumers. [...]
An investment poem – yes, a poem
Albert Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” The investment industry, however, seems to subscribe to a different motto: “Make things as complicated as possible, and then complicate them a little bit more.” Wall Street salespeople talk about alpha (a [...]
Dispatch from the doctor’s office
When it comes to important financial decisions, why is it that sometimes we are able to move quickly, while at other times we feel stuck, unable to take action? To help answer this question, I'd like to share an experience I had a while back, at the doctor's office. Dr. R., as I'll call him, is a [...]